December 31, 2024

The next generation of work profiles

Your professional profile is more than just a resume—it's a story.

The next generation of work profiles


Back in the day, you jotted down your info on a digital piece of paper, handed it to a recruiter via email or one of those lenghty application forms, and that was it. If you were lucky, you got a response. If not, you had to wait for the next round of applications.

But that was then. For the future, we envision that your professional profile is more than just a resume—it's becoming a story. And how do we tell that story?

The next generation of work profiles

Things change. As they should. If they didn't, we'd still be using typewriters.

Today, we're happy to introduce the next generation of work profiles—a change that we envision will be a game changer for professional journeys; we believe a profile is more than just a resume. And recruiters do too. In fact, more and more organisations facilitate Cultural Fit interviews, where they want to know more about who you are, outside of your resume.

If that doesn't tell you anything, we're not sure what will.

The important part: Our version of a profile consists of less. Focusing on other aspects of your story; Where you come frome, what languages you speak, what your interests are, and what you're passionate about, as well as your professional aspirations.

We believe these to be underserved parts of your story—and the ones that are neglected in your professional journey.

So my resume is dead?

No. Your resume is not dead. Resumes are still important. They're a great way to communicate your professional background and expertise to others. But that's it. It's just that, you can't rely on it as the only thing you need to tell your story.

What's next?

We're excited to see how this evolves. We're working on a lot of new features that will make it easier to tell your story.

We're also working on a new way to discover and connect with others on the platform. More on that soon.

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